20 Year Analysis on Drowning

The Drowning Problem - A 20 Year Analysis
Did you know that for every 1 fatal drownings there are 6 non-fatal drownings? This is one of the findings from a recent 20 year analysis of drownings in Alberta completed by the Lifesaving Society of Alberta and the Northwest Territories in partnership with the Injury Prevention Centre.
Together, the two organizations analyzed drowning data from the Alberta Health Analytics, Performance, and Reporting, Health Standards, Quality and Performance, Line by Line Database for the period of 1999-2019.
The findings of the 20 Year Alberta Drowning Analysis are key to understanding drowning in a provincial context. In a year where we have already seen triple the drownings of last year (which had also seen a significant increase from 2019), these findings are more important than ever. The report breaks down who is drowning, the leading factors related to their drownings, and what the financial impact of drowning is (though the emotional impact can never be measured).
While there were 30 fatal drownings, and 24 non-fatal drowning hospital admissions from 1999-2019, the reality is that drownings are preventable. At the Lifesaving Society we continue to offer programs and develop resources that support drowning prevention. Aside from swimming lessons and Lifeguard certification courses, we are also active in the community with our Be Water Smart® programming, Lifejacket Loaner Stations, BOAT training, Caregiver Supervision program, and so much more. You can even submit a Community Activation request to get Lifesaving Society staff or Water Smart® public education materials at your local events.
To see more details from the 20 Year Alberta Drowning Analysis, head to our Drowning Reports page.