
The Royal Life Saving Society Canada, Alberta and Northwest Territories Branch has a long and proud tradition of awarding Lifesaving Rescue and Volunteer Service Awards to residents of Alberta and the Northwest Territories.  We recognize rescue heroes for their courage, resourcefulness and ability to make the right decision during an aquatic emergency. We award Society members for their dedication and long standing service in providing education and training within their community that supports our health and safety mandate for drowning and injury prevention, sport, recreation and active living.

This year's Lifesaving Society Investiture of Lifesaving Honours will be held on January 26th, 2024, at the Government House of Alberta.

Rescue Awards (2023)

Rescue Awards are granted to individuals who have shown incredible bravery and perseverance in their rescue of another from drowning or water-related injury. These awards consist of two primary categories - Rescue Commendation Certificates, which are which are issued by Lifesaving Society Canada, and Branch Commendation Citations, which are issued by Lifesaving Society Alberta and Northwest Territories.

The rescue award recipients for 2023 are as follows:

Simone Pfleger & Celia Schnell

Brandon Provost

Matthew Pequeno & Nathan Beardmore

Carol Henke

Service Awards (2023)

Commonwealth Service Awards are issued to members of the Lifesaving Society Alberta and Northwest Territories who have volunteered, in recognition of both the time and service they have contributed to our events, programs, and humanitarian mandate.

This year, we distributed three types of service awards:

1. The Commonwealth Service Commendation

  • This award recognizes an individual who has performed a minimum of two (2) years of service in an active volunteer role.

2. The Commonwealth Service Medal

  • This award recognizes an individual who has performed a minimum of four (4) years of service in an active volunteer role.

3. The Commonwealth Bar to Service Cross

  • This award recognizes an individual who has performed a minimum of sixteen years of service in an active volunteer role.

The service award recipients for 2023 are as follows:

Brad Dryer (Commonwealth Service Commendation)

Cody Dunne (Commonwealth Service Commendation)

Victoria Mitchell (Commonwealth Service Commendation)

Candice McMillan (Service Medal)

Jeremy Todgham (Service Medal)

Tanya Jones (Service Cross)