Host Your Own Water Smart® Event with the Lifesaving Society!

Did you know that the Lifesaving Society can help you host your own Water Smart® events?
Water Smart® events are great opportunities to educate your community on how to stay safe in, on, and around the water. Attendees can learn how to make Water Smart® choices through activities based on topics such as swimming in open water, safe fishing and boating, ice safety and cold weather, water rescue, and general safe behaviour. A complete list of the Water Smart® activities we offer can be found in our Activity Guide:
The Lifesaving Society is here to support you in hosting a Water Smart® event, whether by providing you with materials (available for purchase through our materials order form: or by having our staff attend your event to talk about water safety.
We'd love to help your community be Water Smart®! To discuss holding your own Water Smart® event, or if you have any inquiries or concerns, please reach out to or (780) 415-1755.
We would love to attend as many events as possible this summer, but Lifesaving Society attendance is based on staff availability. If you would like us to come out and support you, please let us know as soon as possible.